The power of disruptive brands

In the mid market world of B2B marketing, brand positioing is something that seemly gets over looked in the pursut for lead generation. I’ve spent many an hour talking to business owners about how they could leverage ‘their story’ to trigger a relationship with their target market. B2B’s marketing journey really begins with the greta story, Something people can relate to. An idea. A belief. In the world of social […]

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Who is your B2B Buyer

I’ve just found this stirling info graphic that applies B2C buying persons to the B2B world. The infographic has been developed by the Acquity Group and outlines the 3 key buying personality traits of the B2B world. Thought this could be of use.      

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Creating Brand Advocacy

Steve Jobs famously said in 1997 that “marketing was all about values”. An idea shared by many marketing thought leaders including Simon Sinek‘s ‘Start with Why’ approach to brand positioning. Right now, in 2013, CMO’s are faced with a number of tough challenges. Multiple customer touch points, the rise in demand for inbound marketing, the need to become the thought leader though content marketing, Marketing automation, CRM, campaign tracking and […]

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